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Korean Cinema NOW | Road to Boston | 1947 보스톤

2023 ‧ Drama ‧ 1h 48m ‧ Rated PG-13
Saturday, March 15, 2025
1:00-3:00 PM
Off Campus Location
View the trailer at:

"If the country gained independence, our records should naturally become independent too!"

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics, marathon gold medalist Son Ki-jeong set a world record. On the podium, as the Japanese national anthem "Kimigayo" played, he covered the Japanese flag on his chest with a potted plant, making him an instant national hero. However, due to Japanese oppression, he could no longer run. After Korea's liberation, in Seoul in 1947, Son Ki-jeong approaches Seo Yoon-bok, a promising marathon runner considered the next Son Ki-jeong, with an unexpected proposal to compete in the Boston Marathon. He suggests running to reclaim the glory of the Berlin Olympics that had been attributed to Japan, this time with the Korean flag proudly displayed on their chests! Despite not having enough money to buy even a pair of running shoes, the Korean marathon runners embark on an unforgettable journey to Boston, USA.

Directed by Kang Jekyu
Presented in Korean and English with English Subtitles

The Korean Cinema NOW 2025 series features critical picks of recent Korean film hits. Screened at the State Theater, all films are free and open to the public.
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: State Theater (233 S State St, Ann Arbor)
Event Type: Film Screening
Tags: Asian Languages And Cultures, Film, Film Series, Free, Korea, korean cinema, Korean Studies
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Nam Center for Korean Studies, International Institute, Asian Languages and Cultures

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