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Young Leaders in Human Rights Lecture. How Panzi Hospital and its Foundation Added Advocacy to its Pillars of Care

Dr. Alain Mukwege, Research Associate, University of Michigan School of Nursing
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
3:00-4:30 PM
1010 Weiser Hall Map
Alain Mukwege is a Congolese born physician and a human right activist. His work was inspired by his father’s, Denis Mukwege, the 2018 Nobel Peace prize recipient for his advocacy against sexual violence in conflicts. Alain Mukwege is a member of the advisory board of Panzi Foundation USA, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide holistic care to victims of sexual violence and to advocate to end violence against women and girls in DR Congo and beyond its borders. He holds a Master a Clinical research and Translational Science and his research interests lie in the development of mechanisms to improve Women’s health and to prevent gender based violence.

Presently living in Ann Arbor Michigan to prepare for a training in Obstetrics and Gynecology, his work also involves building partnerships between American institutions and Panzi Hospital to help develop local Congolese capacities to address local problems. This framed collaborations with notably, the University Of Michigan School Of Nursing and with World without Genocide. He believes that the cessation of violence against women would be indispensable in the advancement of healthy communities and that violence against women in addition to be a violation of basic human rights is also a global health hazard.

This event is sponsored by: Program in International and Comparative Studies and Donia Human Rights Center.

If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend this event, please reach out to us at least 2 weeks in advance of this event. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange. Contact: [email protected].
Building: Weiser Hall
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Gender Violence, Global Health, human rights, Sexual Violence, Women's Health
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Program in International and Comparative Studies, International Institute, African Studies Center, Donia Human Rights Center