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Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights Practitioner Fellowship

The University of Michigan Donia Human Rights Center announces the establishment of the Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights Practitioner Fellowship.  The Fellowship will be awarded to one outstanding individual who has dedicated their career to the practice and cause of international human rights.  The Fellow will spend one semester at the Donia Human Rights Center and become part of the intellectual community of the University of Michigan.  The program is funded by the Raoul Wallenberg Medal Endowment, established in 1985, which also funds the annual University of Michigan Raoul Wallenberg Medal and Lecture. 


Applications are welcome from all individuals with at least ten years of experience in the practice of international human rights.  The applicant’s experience may be in government, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, academia, or a combination of these.  Applications from individuals working in the Global South are particularly encouraged. 


The Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights Practitioner Fellowship is intended as a sabbatical from the applicant’s current work environment.  They will be expected to deepen their understanding of human rights and share insights with various audiences on campus and elsewhere.  The Fellow may wish to reflect upon their work thus far or begin to engage in new paths in the field of human rights.  Public-facing exposure and writings are highly encouraged.

The Fellow will also teach or lecture to University of Michigan undergraduates for a limited set of sessions.  Options include guest lecturing at an existing class, working with students in a reading group, or offering several public lectures.  The details will be worked out between the Fellow and the Director of the Donia Center.

The Fellow will be expected to participate in the center’s intellectual community, as well as attend Donia Center events. 

The Fellow must make the fellowship their primary professional focus and will be expected to limit their work for their prior institution to the minimum essential tasks during their absence.

Location and Time Frame

The Fellow must maintain residency in Ann Arbor for the duration of the fellowship.  The Fellow will be provided with an office at the International Institute or another campus unit relevant to their work. 

The Fellow may elect to spend the Fall 2025 semester (late August through late December 2025) or Winter 2026 semester (early January through early May 2026) in residence.  A Fellow may spend the entire 2025-26 academic year at the University of Michigan but will receive only funding for one semester as specified below. 


The Donia Center will provide payment of $55,000 plus fringe benefits for the duration of the Fellow’s stay.  The International Institute will provide information on housing in Ann Arbor, but the Fellow will be responsible for their own housing arrangements.

Required Application Materials

1. A cover letter, addressed to the Donia Human Rights Center, explaining:

-- the applicant’s professional background, including details of their current responsibilities

-- their intended use of the time in residence at the University of Michigan, including any proposed research, publications, or speaking engagements

-- the time frame for their visit (Fall 2025, Winter 2026, or both).

The cover letter should not exceed 1000 words.

2.  Curriculum vitae in English: Please include home and business addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, date and place of birth, and a complete list of publications and professional activities.

Application materials should be submitted as a single PDF document to [email protected].

Application deadline

Application deadline is March 15, 2025, at midnight. 

Mandatory Health Insurance

Every visiting scholar and all accompanying dependents must have health insurance coverage that meets the standards of the University of Michigan. Health insurance coverage is coordinated through the U-M International Center.


For questions please reach out to [email protected] or call 734.615.8482