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Contributions to the Donia Human Rights Center (DHRC) play a critical role in sustaining selected activities, programs, and fellowships. Gifts are essential to enable the DHRC to maintain and enhance Michigan's well-deserved reputation as a leader in international education.

Omar Malik

By donating to the Donia Human Rights Center Student Fellowship Fund you support student summer fellowships.

Learn more about the real-world, hands-on experience of Omar Malik, '26 Syria Justice and Accountability Centre Fellow.

"My fellowship through the Donia Human Rights Center at the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) provided me with profound insights into the non-profit world and the work of transitional justice. When I applied to the fellowship I had little fundamental understanding of the true meaning of transitional justice and was unfamiliar with the extensive efforts required to heal communities scarred by repeated human rights violations. This—I found—is especially true in the Syrian context where a stalemate and continued regime control in most of the country has rendered the political and humanitarian situation virtually intractable. Yet the day-to-day work of SJAC persists. From documentation of human rights violations by all parties of the conflict to the missing persons program, SJAC’s work and my contribution to it reified in me a desire to work in the fields of transitional justice and human rights. The Missing Persons program at SJAC in conjunction with the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG) proves that though the situation is intractable, efforts toward community ‘recovery’ remain possible. It is this program and its ability to identify even some of the missing 150,000 people in Syira specifically that cemented my desire to contribute to the tangible change that can be made in Syria in the future."

For more information on the various ways you can support DHRC, please contact our center at [email protected].

Read more about our priorities.

Your contribution can support the following key initiatives:

Ian Fishback Fund

To support undergraduate students enrolled in the Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics whose research addresses the roles and responsibilities of those in public life to advance human rights [DONATE]

Donia Human Rights Center Strategic Fund

Supports and sustains selected activities and programs. [DONATE]

Donia Human Rights Center Student Fellowship Fund

With greater resources, we would like to meet student requests and expand student support for research on human rights in the U.S. and abroad. [DONATE]

Donia Human Rights Center Faculty Grants Fund

Fulfill the growing need for human rights courses and research opportunities on campus by providing seed grants to faculty to study, develop, and teach human rights-focused courses. [DONATE]