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Center for Emerging Democracies

Featured News

Postdoctoral Fellows Call for Applications

Center for Emerging Democracies invites scholars to apply for 2025-27 Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Announcing the December 2024 Issue of the "Democracy and Autocracy" Newsletter

Unequal Democracies | Democracy and Autocracy Vol. 22(3).

The Center for Emerging Democracies (@umichDemocracy) promotes engaged public interdisciplinary scholarship to better understand the conditions and policies that foster worldwide transitions from autocratic rule and the deepening of democratic governance – in the past, present, and future. Emerging Democracies has been housed in the International Institute at the University of Michigan since 2008, making us one of the world’s longest-established centers for the study and advancement of democracy.

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Center for Emerging Democracies Roundtable | After 2024: Elections & Democracy 4:00 PM
Room 1010 Weiser Hall
Center for Emerging Democracies Book Talk. The Great Retreat: How Political Parties Should Behave and Why They Don't 12:00 PM
Room 555 Weiser Hall
Center for Emerging Democracies Lecture. Claims, complaints and democratization of the local state in India 12:00 PM
Center for Emerging Democracies Book Talk. The Social Roots of Authoritarianism 12:00 PM
Room 555 Weiser Hall
Center for Emerging Democracies Book Talk. Policing the Revolution: The Transformation of Security and Violence in Venezuela during Chavismo 4:00 PM
Room 555 Weiser Hall