The federally-funded Southeast Asia Centers in the U.S. have come together and created GETSEA: The Consortium for Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asian Studies. This consortium has been funded by the Henry Luce Foundation’s Southeast Asia Initiative with the aim of sharing resources and expertise to improve graduate education in Southeast Asian studies. Input from graduate students will be critical to the success of this endeavor which includes online mini-courses, support to study languages not taught at your home institution, a mentoring network, and more; that is why we ask that you consider serving on the GETSEA Graduate Student Advisory Council.
Members of the advisory council will receive a $500 stipend for the one-year term (2020-21) that will start in December. Responsibilities include three virtual council meetings (funding will be available to support meeting at AAS once in-person meeting and travel is possible) and service on at least one GETSEA committee, chaired by a GETSEA center faculty director. Current GETSEA committees include:
Mini-course selection and evaluation committee
Language exchange committee
Website and communications committee
Needs assessment working group
Mission statement and bylaws drafting committee
Membership on the council will be by application, with members selected to represent each GETSEA center and a broad diversity of disciplines, language/country focus, and backgrounds. Graduate students from GETSEA centers pursuing a Masters (research or professional) or Doctoral degree may apply.
Application due date: October 30, 2020.
If you have any questions about GETSEA or the Graduate Student Advisory Council, please contact Michael Kirkpatrick Miller ([email protected]).