CREES is accepting applications from University of Michigan students for travel grants to support REEES-focused conference participation. Subject to availability of funding, awards will be made to CREES students who will present REEES-focused papers or serve as chairs or discussants for REEES-focused sessions at regional, national, or international conferences. These awards are intended to supplement other University of Michigan conference participation grants.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in full-time undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree programs at the University of Michigan. These grants are reserved for affiliated CREES students, which includes our REEES majors, MIRS-REEES students, graduate certificate students, and our graduate student associates. If you are not currently a graduate student associate, please fill out an application here. You may apply simultaneously for the associate status and travel grant.
Application Requirements: Applicants must submit an application form and supporting documents noted on the form. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and must be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the conference.
Questions? Contact CREES, [email protected] or 734.764.0351.