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MIRS: Islamic Studies Specialization

The Masters in International and Regional Studies (MIRS) Islamic Studies specialization is designed for students focusing on Islam as a world religion and global Muslim peoples, societies, and history. The program provides a thorough grounding in the inter-regional study of Islamic communities, history, and civilization.

Anchored in the Global Islamic Studies Center (GISC), the MIRS Islamic Studies specialization draws upon GISC’s extraordinary depth in scholarship and research. As part of the MIRS - Islamic Studies specialization, you will have access to more than 50 active research scholars and faculty members from a wide array of departments and professional schools.

Curriculum (36 credits)

In the MIRS - Islamic Studies specialization, you will complete a total of 36 credits, distributed over at least two academic disciplines, at the 400-level or above. 

  • 27 of these credits are in your field of specialization: Islamic Studies. 

  • The remaining 9 credits are required for all MIRS students, including two core courses, a graduate colloquium, and a graduate professional development workshop.

For more information, contact [email protected].