Mariko Okada receives 2013 Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities
The Suntory Foundation announced on November 11, 2013 that Dr. Mariko Okada, CJS's 2012-13 Toyota Professor in Residence and 2013-14 Visiting Scholar, has been selected to receive the 2013 Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities. She will be receiving this prize at the award ceremony in Japan on December 10.
A total of 8 people have been selected to receive this prize in 4 categories. Dr. Okada is receiving the prize under the "Literary and Art Criticism" category for her book entitled Kyomai Inoue-ryu no tanjo (Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2013). Please visit to view the press release (in Japanese).
Since its established in 1979, a total of 299 people have been awarded the prizes, including the 2013 recipients.
More information on the prize can be found on the Suntory Foundation website.