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US–Japan Auto Conference 2.0 | Friday, March 15, 2019

Weiser Hall 1010 // March 15, 2019 @ 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM -- Save the Date!

The conference is free and open to the public. Please register your attendance via our EventBrite page

A revival of the US-Japan Automotive Conference held annually between 1981 and 1989, USJAC 2.0 will gather auto industry leaders, policymakers, and scholars from both sides of the Pacific to discuss trade, management, and technological change.

9:45am // Opening Remarks

Kiyoteru Tsutsui (University of Michigan)

10:00am-11:45am // Panel I: Trade Policy

Shihoko Goto (The Wilson Center)
Robert Cole (U.C. Berkeley)
Edward Lincoln (Columbia University)
Moderator: John Campbell (University of Michigan)

11:45am-1:00pm // Lunch (pre-registration via this Google Form required by TUE MARCH 12, 2019)

1:00pm-2:45pm // Panel II: Lean Management

Takashi Horinouchi (Toyota Production System Support Center)
Kazuo Ichijo (Hitotsubashi University)
Jeffrey Liker (University of Michigan)
Moderator: Damian Beil (University of Michigan)

2:45pm-3:00pm // Coffee Break

3:00pm-4:45pm // Panel III: New Technologies

Derek Cavaney (Toyota Research Institute)
Keiko Ihara (Nissan Motor Corporation)
Ramanarayan Vasudevan (University of Michigan)
Moderator: Yoshimi Nomura (DNX Ventures)

4:45pm // Closing Remarks

John Ciorciari (University of Michigan)

Questions? Contact Brad Hammond at [email protected]

Presented in partnership with the International Policy Center at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.