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Ann Arbor Japan Week: UMMA Family Japanese Art Studio (Second Session)

Thursday, June 18, 2015
4:00 AM
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Multipurpose Room, 525 South State Street

A Week of Japan-related Programming for Youth and Families

Local artist and long-time UMMA docent Susan Clinthorne will lead families on an exploration of Japanese art followed by a hands-on workshop. Using materials that invoke the bright colors and bold lines of Japanese Kabuki Prints, create your own art project inspired by the heroes and villains of Japanese legend. Designed for families with children ages 6-12 to experience art together. Advance registration required. Email [email protected] to secure your place. There will be two workshops, one at 11am and one at 2pm.

Cosponsored by the University of Michigan Museum of Art
