For the second year in a row, the African Studies Center (ASC) has partnered with U-M’s Institute for Social Research (ISR) to offer a limited number of full scholarships to attend the Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research organized by the Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). One of the positive aspects of moving the courses to remote teaching for the 2020 summer school was that it made it much easier for international scholars to participate. Through the combined contributions from ASC and ISR and ICPSR’s reduction of the registration fees by 50%, twelve award recipients were able to participate in the program free of charge, including 3 UMAPS alumni, 5 incoming UMAPS fellows, and 4 scholars involved in collaborations with ASC associates. This year, we expect to make 15 awards.
Eligibility for the ASC-ISR scholarships is based on there being an existing connection between the applicant and U-M, including through the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars (UMAPS) program administered by ASC. Other Africa-based scholars directly affiliated with ASC, particularly it's African Social Research Initiative (ASRI), and (space permitting) other units at U-M are also eligible for these scholarships.
“At the African Studies Center, we believe firmly that value is added to U-M programs by incorporating the insights and experiences of our African colleagues. We are therefore very happy to continue this collaboration with ISR and ICPSR, and to extend this opportunity to our UMAPS alumni for a second year. We look forward to the contributions that these scholars will make to the ICPSR programs,” says Andries Coetzee, ASC Director.
“We are excited to renew this collaboration between ISR, ASC, and ICPSR that builds on a long tradition of African scholars participating in the ICPSR summer program. Last year’s program was a big success, and it's great that we can once again offer this opportunity to African scholars by taking advantage of remote instruction," notes ISR Director David Lam.
Mike Traugott, Director of the Summer Program, adds, “Moving to online instruction last summer gave us the opportunity to extend our programming in quantitative methods to researchers from around the world who otherwise might not have been able to afford traveling to and staying in Ann Arbor for a month in order to enroll. We reduced our fees in acknowledgment of COVID-19 and going online, and we are pleased to pass on a further discount to those from Africa who are interested in this year’s Summer Program.”
“ICPSR is pleased to continue its collaboration with ASC to support scholars from African institutions in participating in the Summer Program for Quantitative Methods of Social Research. Last year’s virtual Summer Program was the largest ever, and participants were enthusiastic about the multiple ways that the Summer Program faculty and staff supported them in their learning and connecting with one another across continents and time zones. We look forward to another exciting and rewarding summer,” says ICPSR Director Maggie Levenstein.
Practical information about the 2020 ICPSR Summer School:
The 2021 ICPSR Summer Program is held in two sessions, June 21 to July 16, and July 19 to August 13. Each session offers as many 25-30 different courses/workshops. Courses range from introductory statistical methods to advanced courses such as multivariate modeling, machine learning, and Python programming. See the Overview of four-week sessions page for more information; also take a look at the guidance for course selection. ASC-ISR awards will be for either of the two 4-week sessions, but not both.
The program uses a variety of tools and services to provide online instruction for the summer, including a program called Canvas for administering enrollment, providing access to readings, organizing and grading assignments, and collecting evaluations.
Participants will be provided a username for the Michigan computing system so that they can access the Canvas website for their course. Registered participants will receive a link to their course(s) in Canvas, where they are able to view course materials, readings, and other information. More information about how to use Canvas will be sent to participants in the days before their course begins.
Lectures will be done through Zoom, as it integrates very well with Canvas. Lectures will be recorded and posted to each course's Canvas site, where they will be available for viewing up until 11:59PM two days (48 hours) after the course closes. Recording these lectures is important for a number of reasons, including to support our many participants from around the world. We don't want anyone to have to sit through a lecture at 2:00 AM.
Application and review process
To be considered for the ASC-ISR award, please send (i) a 1-2 page description of how you would benefit from the courses offered as part of the 2021 ICPSR summer program, and (ii) a copy of your CV, showing your time as a UMAPS scholar, and/or your acceptance into the 2020/21 UMAPS cohort, and/or any other professional connections to U-M. Please send these documents, clearly labeled with your last name, to [email protected], no later than April 10, 2021, for participation in either the first or the second session.
ASC will review applications for eligibility and make recommendations to the ICPSR team, who will take these recommendations into consideration to select up to 15 candidates who will be able to participate free of charge. Decisions will be made by April 15. Upon notification of your acceptance in the program, you will be asked to register following the instructions that will be provided at that time.